Wednesday 20 October 2010

Lighting Lesson Photos

This first photo shows the use of just one light: the key light. It is focused on one side of the characters face, thus creating dark shadows both behind him and on the opposite side of his body and head.
This second image is again created through the use of solely one light, which in this case is the back light. The character stands straight in front of the light to create one large shadow. This technique may be useful in our horror film to create areas of darkness which may be able to move and therefore create tension.
This image shows the use of a red gel, which is placed in front of the key light to alter the colour of the shot. It creates a rather evil, sadistic effect, and with the addition of a fill light, one side of the face is more lit than the other.

This final image shows the use of a fill light (torch), which has been placed behind some paper so as to distribute the light more evenly, stopping the harshness which may come with just the torch. In this case it has created a half of light and a half of shadow, which may well come in useful with our horror.

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